Bee Green “Los Colorados” High Andean Colombian REDD Project

The Colombian High Andean REDD Project "Los Colorados": is a conservation and ecological restoration initiative in the strategic Andean paramo ecosystems of the Páramos Tota-Bijagual-Mamapacha complex in Boyacá, Colombia, led by an NGO in alliance with local landowners. This project seeks primarily to conserve ecosystems essential for carbon sequestration and freshwater supply.
This project is committed to quality
Bee Green Foundation
Investment Size
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Volume of VCUs
Cost of Production per VCU
Bee Green Foundation in collaboration with High Andean “Paramos” landowners

Project Type



Livestock exclusion; avoided deforestation; avoided soil degradation; water protection; improved hydrology; biodiversity monitoring and assessment; environmental education and awareness; promotion of sustainable agricultural practices; promotion of ecotourism development; local capacity building; scientific research and development.
Community Benefits
Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Action, Good Health and Wellbeing, Life on Land, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities



Current Development Stage


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An Indicator of Quality

Projects that subscribe to Impact Inside are committed to transparency and impactful project design.  Impact Inside employs the basis of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) framework: a theory of change model to promote durable, meaningful outcomes based on continuous stakeholder feedback.  Credit buyers and investors trust this framework and trust the platform to track performance data on project quality.

What makes this project special?

This project is special because it has been designed to the highest level of quality across many dimensions of good project design.  The project has taken the necessary steps to consult affected communities, solicit feedback on its planned activities and iteratively refine its theory of change to incorporate this feedback.  The project has committed to measuring its performance towards its promised benefits and to voluntarily share these data with the public. The project has committed to quality.