The Integrated Forest Conservation, Reforestation, Agroforestry, and Carbon Sequestration (IFCRACS) Project

A ~125,000 ha REDD, ARR and ALM project encompassing three Ancestral Domain (AD) sites managed by Indigenous People and Indigenous Peoples Communities.
This is an Impact Inside project
TriPoint AG
Investment Size
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Volume of VCUs
Cost of Production per VCU
Indigenous Cultural Communities, facilitated by Tripoint AG.

Project Type



1. ARR/ANR: Rejuvenating and extending the current forest cover, improving the diversity of flora and fauna, and increasing the efficiency of forest resources. 2. ARR/ANR: Reversing deforestation, cultivating regenerative agroforestry, and implementing strategic tree farming 3. REDD: Encouraging community engagement and involvement in sustainable forest management and law enforcement by means of technology, capacity building, stakeholder mobilization, and policy reforms. 4. REDD: Facilitating social and economic advantages for the indigenous communities by creating employment opportunities and fostering community-driven social enterprise development. 5. ALM: Biologically treating depleted agricultural and crop land soil to improve productivity with TPA’s exclusive microbial soil base treatment which is planned to be produced locally. 6. Social development program: To reinforce community- initiated development projects and secure additional financial resources through bio and carbon credit programs.
Community Benefits
Climate Action, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Good Health and Wellbeing, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Life on Land, No Poverty, Responsible Consumption and Production, Zero Hunger



Current Development Stage


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